Our course is designed to instruct employees of varied healthcare professions in the theory and practice of safe patient moving and handling. It is aimed at all levels of employees, whose work involves the movement or assisting the movements of patients with injury or reduced mobility.
This course is training requirement for carers, healthcare workers, nurses, nursing homes staff, first aiders, people working in hospitals and respite centres, hotel porters and other workers who engage in manual handling or patient handling activities during their working day.
Please note due to popular demand places are limited.
All courses are delivered by QQI qualified instructors.
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, (General Applications) Regulations 2007, Chapter 4 of Part 2, outline the requirements that must be adhered to in relation to manual handling.
Patient Moving and Handling Course is delivered in two modules. First covers theory related to Manual Handling in workplace, second concentrates on hands-on practical assessments.
Each participant is individually assessed by instructor on proper lifting and moving techniques. Student are also requested to complete multiple choice quiz in the end of the classes.
Students should be physically fit enough to carry out all required practical assessments including lifting, moving and transporting other people. Comfortable clothing is recommended.
In order to maintain you qualification after your two-year certification period you will be required to undertake the course again. There is no refresher training for people who currently have an in-date certificate.